Sunday, August 25, 2013

Do Unto Others

"Do unto others" seems to no longer be associated with, "as you would have them do unto you."  It has pretty much turned into more of three word mantra of aggression and authority, at least socially and politically.  I did a bit of research and amazingly, every formal religion and most philosophies claim a similar belief to what most Americans recognize as the Golden Rule.  But the Golden Rule is being redefined ethically to be "he who has the gold, rules."

Situational ethics abound in our society, primarily by those who would claim to be consistent in their moral decisions and character.  Perhaps we are all consistent, consistent in lowering the standard, or sadly expecting and accepting lower . . .

To alter that which a perfect Creator made, is obviously to lower the standard, but then to build an authority that will uphold that deteriorated standard is pure mockery.  I'm feeling like we people are once again getting played by something that probably isn't going to change nationally or socially, but simply on an individual basis.  Just like every other political hot button topic, from abortion to gay rights, genetically modified food is getting it's turn in the spotlight.

With two formerly prominent attorneys for Monsanto now in authority, I don't actually expect anything different.  Interestingly it was the 1980's that saw the first genetically modified plant produced and by 1991 Clarence Thomas was on the Supreme Court and Michael R. Taylor was appointed to a newly created position in the FDA!  Genetically modified food is only going away, if individuals choose to raise their own.  The powers that be have the authority to "do unto others . . ."  "Others" are those of us who are not in authority.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

It's Not Just Greed, It's Disobedience

Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers seeds: lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast sown, and the fruit of thy vineyard, be defiled.  Deuteronomy 22:9.

I'm wondering about this passage as it pertains to the seeds I sow.  Not just between the rows, but the seeds themselves.
I'm sure if our Creator doesn't want seeds mixed in the field, He doesn't want them mixed in the laboratory, either!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Genetic Mutilation

Even though this site and article is entitled as an obvious stand against Monsanto, it's not really about being "anti."   I'm not an anti-capitalist, or even a rabble rouser.  I'm sounding a warning and offering something else to avoid and help others avoid, the rebellion against our Creator.

We can claim victimhood, if we like, protesting all the way to the market.  We can make excuses as to why we can't do anything about it, but it sounds a lot like Adam's attempt to blame Eve.   He chose to eat that forbidden fruit with full knowledge of rebellion against his Creator.  Altering the basic genetic code of creation is in fact exulting ourselves "as gods."  We are changing what He called good, and the results are clearly not good!  I can't help but compare GMO to the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

When YHWH told me to "stand in the gap on behalf of the land," I had no idea it was coming to this!  To be honest, there are days it seems a more daunting task than I can handle, but then immediately, in my spirit I hear II Corinthians 12:9 and Philippians 4:13.  So for all those who are realizing the ominous future of our children and grandchildren, take heart.  He has not called us to more than we can handle.  We do not have to participate, even passively; in the rebellion of genetic mutilation of the creation, our Creator called good.

I've been reading the book of Daniel.  Even Babylon didn't ruin the vegetables!  Ignorance is no longer an excuse or an option.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Real Power?

We are told in Scripture, the love of money is the root of all evil.  I have tried to believe for a time that politicians also loved the power, and perhaps they do, but the basis for power in this country and probably the world, is still MONEY!

Sadly, the Golden Rule has been redefined by our love of money.

"He who has the most gold, makes the rules . . ."