Monday, June 9, 2014

Slavery and Food

Throughout history, it's only logical to keep the slaves fed.  Now granted, they did not eat as well as their owners, but they were fed.  I couldn't help but notice in this week's Torah reading that the children of Israel, after all their complaining about the slavery of Egypt, after gaining their freedom, actually spoke well of the food supply through their days of slavery.

Early in Exodus, Pharaoh realized the danger of being outnumbered by the slaves.  The lab reports of GMO indicate there is a built in solution to the powers that be, becoming outnumbered.  GMO is reported to cause fertility issues in the laboratory animals, by the third generation.  I don't have enough statistics to provide what I'd call hard facts, but in removing all corn from my animal feed, egg production has increased and multiple births in the herd also increased.

Being kept full and actually being nourished are two different things entirely!