Sunday, January 12, 2014

4-H Is Not What it Used to Be

I was greatly troubled a few years back when I attended a meeting about the "marking of the beasts."  That is RFID tags in livestock operations.  Through the course of that meeting, it was made clear that young people in 4-H were being used for programming and a land grab.

First, the idea that fair entries must be chipped or tagged still hasn't been implemented, but many of the big time operators have already made the transition.  The land concern is really troubling.  The fine print is that to change the status of protected property.  Deeded Property would be assigned a Premise Number.  If we read our Bill of Rights very carefully, we'll find property is protected, but Premise is never mentioned.  What was even more alarming, was once this land was assigned a Premise Number it stayed with the land in perpetuity in resale.

Farmers have all but gone from being land owners, so tax paying servants.  The agenda just keeps using the next generation, to enslave the indebted.

Then there's the glad handing politicians that show up to the county fair, make the kids feel important and tell them how wonderful GMO is.  Why I've heard our very own representative spin his propaganda.  He spouts how wonderful it is that we can now raise ears of corn that are nearly 2 feet long, instead of those 5 inch ears from days gone by.

First, corn wasn't created to be on ears 2 feet long.  Second, I see why politics would be preferable to him, if all he could produce was 5 inch ears.  The average non-GMO ear of corn is approximately 10-12 inches long, and each stalk produces 2-3 ears.

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