Without a television, I sometimes miss the subliminal messages sent through advertising. Monsanto made an odd statement in their Super Bowl ad last February, and I think it needs to be noted. There is also a link for cynical article which includes a parody made about Monsanto "improving" upon what G-d has done.
The Super Bowl ad did not include a father in either family.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Sunday, October 12, 2014
GMO Free Brands
All foods at this site are not kosher, that's in the link below this one on the main page, but these are foods and name brands that are said to be non-GMO. We are not promoting the ingestion of anything forbidden in Torah, but this list is just too valuable for those seeking to avoid genetically modified food. All things considered, since Torah also forbids the mingling of seeds, that would probably forbid modifying the DNA. To alter creation by mixing species is complete rebellion against our Creator!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Revolving Door
It would seem Michael R. Taylor has a dance partner at the revolving door of Monsanto and FDA. Margaret Miller actually did the research and wrote the presentation as a Monsanto employee before becoming agency deputy director of new animal drugs for the FDA.
It doesn't matter who will be elected, Monsanto is big. I would urge you to please Google "Monsanto and FDA"
More poison has been approved! http://www.agprofessional.com/news/Dow-two-Bt-soybean-insect-resistant-trait-approved-257548091.html
It doesn't matter who will be elected, Monsanto is big. I would urge you to please Google "Monsanto and FDA"
More poison has been approved! http://www.agprofessional.com/news/Dow-two-Bt-soybean-insect-resistant-trait-approved-257548091.html
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Sunday, July 13, 2014
A Swarm of Honey Bees
In picking blackberries this week, I was blessed to happen upon a swarm of honey bees. Considering the time of day and their number, I'm guessing the hive is not too far, maybe even on the place. I have a friend who is an urban bee keeper in another state, but he does not "rent" his bees agriculturally, to protect them from the GMO crops. I am fortunate in that there are no row crops for a couple of miles. The land here at Goshen was never developed, so I'm not fighting chemical herbicides or pesticides, just rocks and weeds.
As I gave thanks for the bees, I was led to share this information. We've taught our children to fear bee stings, and obviously they do hurt, but . . . Honey bees do not sting aggressively. A honey bee only stings when they are protecting the hive, which few of us see, or when they sense ultimate danger. Honey bees die when they sting, so obviously stinging is not their first instinct. If only Monsanto did not have a free pass with the Supreme Court and the FDA, perhaps honey bees could be on the endangered species list.
I must report a serious fact of life regarding honey bees and our future. Our food supply requires pollination. Honey bees and butterflies are needed, but they are very susceptible to harm by the commercial pesticides. The big name commercial pesticides do not differentiate between pollinators and pests and neither does the genetically altered DNA. As a matter of fact, the genetically altered DNA really doesn't distinguish between pests and customers.
Honey bee colonies are dying and the their number dwindling, we know that. Urban bee keepers go out of their way to keep their bees from treated fields of altered grains and produce; while the altered grains and produce are by wind and dying pollinators cross pollinating with pure fields. The danger is real and the danger is now! It's already been proven that much of the genetically altered DNA will dominate in cross pollination as well as crossbreeding . . . We are rapidly approaching the time in which the general food supply will be altered from that ordained by our Creator. There is no reason to think humans will tolerate this genetically altered and chemically treated produce any better than the bees have.
As I gave thanks for the bees, I was led to share this information. We've taught our children to fear bee stings, and obviously they do hurt, but . . . Honey bees do not sting aggressively. A honey bee only stings when they are protecting the hive, which few of us see, or when they sense ultimate danger. Honey bees die when they sting, so obviously stinging is not their first instinct. If only Monsanto did not have a free pass with the Supreme Court and the FDA, perhaps honey bees could be on the endangered species list.
I must report a serious fact of life regarding honey bees and our future. Our food supply requires pollination. Honey bees and butterflies are needed, but they are very susceptible to harm by the commercial pesticides. The big name commercial pesticides do not differentiate between pollinators and pests and neither does the genetically altered DNA. As a matter of fact, the genetically altered DNA really doesn't distinguish between pests and customers.
Honey bee colonies are dying and the their number dwindling, we know that. Urban bee keepers go out of their way to keep their bees from treated fields of altered grains and produce; while the altered grains and produce are by wind and dying pollinators cross pollinating with pure fields. The danger is real and the danger is now! It's already been proven that much of the genetically altered DNA will dominate in cross pollination as well as crossbreeding . . . We are rapidly approaching the time in which the general food supply will be altered from that ordained by our Creator. There is no reason to think humans will tolerate this genetically altered and chemically treated produce any better than the bees have.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Monday, June 9, 2014
Slavery and Food
Throughout history, it's only logical to keep the slaves fed. Now granted, they did not eat as well as their owners, but they were fed. I couldn't help but notice in this week's Torah reading that the children of Israel, after all their complaining about the slavery of Egypt, after gaining their freedom, actually spoke well of the food supply through their days of slavery.
Early in Exodus, Pharaoh realized the danger of being outnumbered by the slaves. The lab reports of GMO indicate there is a built in solution to the powers that be, becoming outnumbered. GMO is reported to cause fertility issues in the laboratory animals, by the third generation. I don't have enough statistics to provide what I'd call hard facts, but in removing all corn from my animal feed, egg production has increased and multiple births in the herd also increased.
Being kept full and actually being nourished are two different things entirely!
Early in Exodus, Pharaoh realized the danger of being outnumbered by the slaves. The lab reports of GMO indicate there is a built in solution to the powers that be, becoming outnumbered. GMO is reported to cause fertility issues in the laboratory animals, by the third generation. I don't have enough statistics to provide what I'd call hard facts, but in removing all corn from my animal feed, egg production has increased and multiple births in the herd also increased.
Being kept full and actually being nourished are two different things entirely!
Sunday, May 25, 2014
March Against Monsanto 2014
We alternative news sites are sharing . . . I hope next year's march is not on Sabbath!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Making the connections with Thomas, Rumsfeld, Taylor, Monsanto and GD Searle. This legal poisoning of the food supply has been in the making for some time. Interestingly with aspartame added to so many things, diabetes is now an epidemic. I can't prove that connection yet . . .
The FDA in Jimmy Carter's administration would not approve aspartame. That approval came under the Reagan administration.
Donald Rumsfeld orchestrated the merger of GD Searle Co and Monsanto in the mid 80s.
Justice Clarence Thomas was nominated by Bush 41 to be appointed to the Supreme Court, that was 1991. Before becoming a judge, one of the companies represented by his law firm, was Monsanto.
Michael R. Taylor has served in two specially created positions in the FDA. One in the Bush 41 administration and one in the Obama administration. Between appointments, he worked for Monsanto.
The connection between politics, the food supply, and this protected Corporation is so direct, it's impossible to miss.
The FDA in Jimmy Carter's administration would not approve aspartame. That approval came under the Reagan administration.
Donald Rumsfeld orchestrated the merger of GD Searle Co and Monsanto in the mid 80s.
Justice Clarence Thomas was nominated by Bush 41 to be appointed to the Supreme Court, that was 1991. Before becoming a judge, one of the companies represented by his law firm, was Monsanto.
Michael R. Taylor has served in two specially created positions in the FDA. One in the Bush 41 administration and one in the Obama administration. Between appointments, he worked for Monsanto.
The connection between politics, the food supply, and this protected Corporation is so direct, it's impossible to miss.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
This Pretty Much Sums it Up
Although I very much believe in the resurrection of Messiah, I do not celebrate Easter. I would encourage you to check out the origins of the traditions.
This particular meme just says so much so, succinctly.
Altering creation and celebrating pagan rituals . . .
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Long Range Problems
As Monsanto continues to be protected by the FDA and is well connected to our Supreme Court, the toxins in our food will only increase. The article linked below isn't new, which truly should concern all of us. As more and more toxic chemicals are introduced through air, water, and food, we truly have no idea what the long range problems will be. When human breast milk is tainted, we cannot begin to imagine the long range problems for future generations. We are seriously looking at the possibility of genetic mutation in humans.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Old News Is Now Foundational Law
Now is the time to stop waiting on Washington or our local elected officials to change the laws. Before it becomes completely illegal, while we still can, we need to bring back a piece of agrarian Americana. I realize everyone cannot plant a big garden, but everyone can do something! If you can obtain a gallon milk jug, you can square foot garden. We know from Pharaoh's Egypt, whoever controls the food will control the people. I'm sounding the warning, as this may be the last year for independent gardens, before the land rests, or the government expands, or . . . both.
Scripture tells us the days are coming in which people will work all day to make just enough to feed themselves. Not to sound harsh, but in sounding this warning and hearing how many do believe we are indeed living in the last days, folks need to get busy! You can't cook up a pan of "talk!" For those who are planning to make money until it all hits, you can't eat that either!
Government is not going to change the laws to benefit the huddled masses or the Bible believers. Surely we've seen enough in the past few years to realize this.
When we've done what we can do, stand! But until that point, we need to get busy doing what we can do!
Scripture tells us the days are coming in which people will work all day to make just enough to feed themselves. Not to sound harsh, but in sounding this warning and hearing how many do believe we are indeed living in the last days, folks need to get busy! You can't cook up a pan of "talk!" For those who are planning to make money until it all hits, you can't eat that either!
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Genetic Engineering is Forced Evolution
It's finally occurred to me why I have such a visceral reaction to genetic modification. With evolution now being presented as fact rather than theory . . . and forced down the throats of our children. The same thing is being done with genetically modifying food!
This is a complete and utter disregard and disrespect to our Creator. How dare any human say we can do better than G-d! When it's all said and done, humanity will actually have produced inedible, unclean, counterfeit vegetation that has the appearance of food!
This is a complete and utter disregard and disrespect to our Creator. How dare any human say we can do better than G-d! When it's all said and done, humanity will actually have produced inedible, unclean, counterfeit vegetation that has the appearance of food!
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Where's The Food?
The aisle in the produce section is wider, and the displays more sparse. The meat section has been reduced, while the prepared and preservative filled section of "meat products" has greatly expanded. Countries around the world are refusing America's GMO product and what beef we are seeing in the case is supposed to be grass fed.
Now, if Monsanto's RoundUp ready seeds, and genetic engineering produce bountiful crops, where is all the bumper harvest? Where is the food going? The grocer's aisles are being reduced, the meat cases are filled with "bi-products" and the produce section is dramatically arranged just a bit larger than the salad bar at the "all you can eat" smorgasbord.
Where's the food? What's happening? Is it being stored? Is it being destroyed? Where is it?
The red circle in the photo indicates where a produce display sat very recently and the green tile on both sides of this, now, very wide aisle did not used to show at all.
Now, if Monsanto's RoundUp ready seeds, and genetic engineering produce bountiful crops, where is all the bumper harvest? Where is the food going? The grocer's aisles are being reduced, the meat cases are filled with "bi-products" and the produce section is dramatically arranged just a bit larger than the salad bar at the "all you can eat" smorgasbord.
Where's the food? What's happening? Is it being stored? Is it being destroyed? Where is it?
The red circle in the photo indicates where a produce display sat very recently and the green tile on both sides of this, now, very wide aisle did not used to show at all.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
I shared this meme in social media. It's been passed around before, but one of the comments in the thread so caught me, that I asked the individual if I could share his thoughts in this week's edition of the Goshen Gazette. He graciously agreed. To read further: The Comment
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Pure Creation and Genetically Engineered Cannot Coexist!
I admit, I am blatantly biased on the subject of genetic engineering and genetic modification, so I'm offering a link.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Sunday, February 16, 2014
GMOs and Fertility
The information presented here, has caused this journalist to want to do further research. In homesteading for nearly a decade, I've watched the fertility rate decrease in my goat herd. When I first began homesteading, triplets didn't arrive every day, but were certainly not uncommon. Usually, at least one doe gave birth to triplets each year. Twins were abundant! It seemed in 2010 that all changed. It probably wasn't that drastic, but that was the last year twin deliveries exceeded single births, and the last year for triplets.
I'll be clear about this, as I never purchased the special feed with hormones to increase weight and productivity, but it is available. I also made a point of not purchasing medicated feed, but organic and natural are defined rather vaguely, so I'm sure in the mix, even without hormones and medication, it wasn't without human tampering . . .
Our Creator impressed upon me last year to begin raising my own livestock feed, as GMOs are rumored to be causing fertility issues. So, I did what I understood to do. I raised an heirloom beet that was recommended for growth and weight in livestock. The herd loved them! I didn't plant enough last year, so I have had to purchase some non-GMO feed which is more expensive than what I used to buy, but I didn't purchase any feed until this last month, when I ran out of the beets I'd raised.
Interestingly this year, with the exception of two young nannies, this year's kids are arriving in pairs. I realize this isn't enough research to draw a conclusion at this time, but it is enough evidence that I'll be raising my own livestock feed again this year.
I'll be clear about this, as I never purchased the special feed with hormones to increase weight and productivity, but it is available. I also made a point of not purchasing medicated feed, but organic and natural are defined rather vaguely, so I'm sure in the mix, even without hormones and medication, it wasn't without human tampering . . .
Our Creator impressed upon me last year to begin raising my own livestock feed, as GMOs are rumored to be causing fertility issues. So, I did what I understood to do. I raised an heirloom beet that was recommended for growth and weight in livestock. The herd loved them! I didn't plant enough last year, so I have had to purchase some non-GMO feed which is more expensive than what I used to buy, but I didn't purchase any feed until this last month, when I ran out of the beets I'd raised.
Interestingly this year, with the exception of two young nannies, this year's kids are arriving in pairs. I realize this isn't enough research to draw a conclusion at this time, but it is enough evidence that I'll be raising my own livestock feed again this year.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Food Bill Becomes Law
It would seem having friends in high places works very well in this country. I shudder to even imagine what the American food supply will be in less than five years. A comment and thread in social media about GMO usually catches my attention, and this time, I felt the need to post a reminder that it was none other than Monsanto that brought us Agent Orange.
I was a bit shocked to be taken to task on my post. Not that I'm a stranger to reprimands on social media, but in defense of Monsanto. Seems I ruffled the feathers of someone who thinks speaking against genetic altering was "judged" to be judgmental and unforgiving. I was told a company could change their ways. I don't disagree, but this one hasn't. As for judging. That Scripture out of context has gotten a real work out lately.
Is it judgmental to say we shouldn't eat what our Creator has called unclean? Is it judgmental to prefer no scorpion DNA in my cabbage? Is it judgmental to state the obvious demise of the bee population in correlation to pesticides and manufactured pollen? Then I guess, I have to admit being judgmental. Perhaps, if organic farming and creationism had their own personal FDA appointee and their own personal Supreme Court Justice, I'd feel differently, but that's not the way it is.
I'm alright to be judged as I'm judging. With labeling I could keep the GMOs out of my diet, so I don't have to worry about hypocrisy.
I was a bit shocked to be taken to task on my post. Not that I'm a stranger to reprimands on social media, but in defense of Monsanto. Seems I ruffled the feathers of someone who thinks speaking against genetic altering was "judged" to be judgmental and unforgiving. I was told a company could change their ways. I don't disagree, but this one hasn't. As for judging. That Scripture out of context has gotten a real work out lately.
Is it judgmental to say we shouldn't eat what our Creator has called unclean? Is it judgmental to prefer no scorpion DNA in my cabbage? Is it judgmental to state the obvious demise of the bee population in correlation to pesticides and manufactured pollen? Then I guess, I have to admit being judgmental. Perhaps, if organic farming and creationism had their own personal FDA appointee and their own personal Supreme Court Justice, I'd feel differently, but that's not the way it is.
I'm alright to be judged as I'm judging. With labeling I could keep the GMOs out of my diet, so I don't have to worry about hypocrisy.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Sunday, January 12, 2014
4-H Is Not What it Used to Be
I was greatly troubled a few years back when I attended a meeting about the "marking of the beasts." That is RFID tags in livestock operations. Through the course of that meeting, it was made clear that young people in 4-H were being used for programming and a land grab.
First, the idea that fair entries must be chipped or tagged still hasn't been implemented, but many of the big time operators have already made the transition. The land concern is really troubling. The fine print is that to change the status of protected property. Deeded Property would be assigned a Premise Number. If we read our Bill of Rights very carefully, we'll find property is protected, but Premise is never mentioned. What was even more alarming, was once this land was assigned a Premise Number it stayed with the land in perpetuity in resale.
Farmers have all but gone from being land owners, so tax paying servants. The agenda just keeps using the next generation, to enslave the indebted.
Then there's the glad handing politicians that show up to the county fair, make the kids feel important and tell them how wonderful GMO is. Why I've heard our very own representative spin his propaganda. He spouts how wonderful it is that we can now raise ears of corn that are nearly 2 feet long, instead of those 5 inch ears from days gone by.
First, corn wasn't created to be on ears 2 feet long. Second, I see why politics would be preferable to him, if all he could produce was 5 inch ears. The average non-GMO ear of corn is approximately 10-12 inches long, and each stalk produces 2-3 ears.
First, the idea that fair entries must be chipped or tagged still hasn't been implemented, but many of the big time operators have already made the transition. The land concern is really troubling. The fine print is that to change the status of protected property. Deeded Property would be assigned a Premise Number. If we read our Bill of Rights very carefully, we'll find property is protected, but Premise is never mentioned. What was even more alarming, was once this land was assigned a Premise Number it stayed with the land in perpetuity in resale.
Farmers have all but gone from being land owners, so tax paying servants. The agenda just keeps using the next generation, to enslave the indebted.
Then there's the glad handing politicians that show up to the county fair, make the kids feel important and tell them how wonderful GMO is. Why I've heard our very own representative spin his propaganda. He spouts how wonderful it is that we can now raise ears of corn that are nearly 2 feet long, instead of those 5 inch ears from days gone by.
First, corn wasn't created to be on ears 2 feet long. Second, I see why politics would be preferable to him, if all he could produce was 5 inch ears. The average non-GMO ear of corn is approximately 10-12 inches long, and each stalk produces 2-3 ears.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
I'll Let Monsanto Tell It!
Realizing, I have a bias against messing with nature. I really don't think Monsanto does a better job than our Creator. So, to be truly fair and balanced, I won't give my perspective on their article, I'll include the link to their article.
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