Sunday, May 25, 2014

March Against Monsanto 2014

We alternative news sites are sharing . . . I hope next year's march is not on Sabbath!

Austin, TX

Asheville, NC photo by Ken Lane

Asheville, NC photo by Ken Lane
St. Petersburg, FL

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Making the connections with Thomas, Rumsfeld, Taylor, Monsanto and GD Searle.  This legal poisoning of the food supply has been in the making for some time.  Interestingly with aspartame added to so many things, diabetes is now an epidemic.  I can't prove that connection yet . . .

The FDA in Jimmy Carter's administration would not approve aspartame.  That approval came under the Reagan administration.
Donald Rumsfeld orchestrated the merger of GD Searle Co and Monsanto in the mid 80s.
Justice Clarence Thomas was nominated by Bush 41 to be appointed to the Supreme Court, that was 1991. Before becoming a judge, one of the companies represented by his law firm, was Monsanto.
Michael R. Taylor has served in two specially created positions in the FDA.  One in the Bush 41 administration and one in the Obama administration.  Between appointments, he worked for Monsanto.

The connection between politics, the food supply, and this protected Corporation is so direct, it's impossible to miss.