Sunday, September 29, 2013

Practical Organics

The other day I went outdoors and noticed the evidence one of "those worms!"  I've heard them called everything from tobacco worms to horned worms and it's what I picture in the 2nd chapter of Joel and the 4th chapter of Jonah.  I call this creature a cankerworm!  They can truly wipe out a plant in no time, leaving just the bare stalks wilting in their path of destruction.  They are green, so they are very difficult to see, but the evidence of their presence is unmistakable.

The other day, my one and only Cherokee purple tomato plant had been invaded by one of these cankerworms.  I noticed it before too much damage had occurred, so I rushed to find this horrible creature, only to have this worm, literally become aggressive with me!   I went to pick it off the tomato vine and it literally "swung at me."  Remember they have a rather sharp horn that protrudes about 1/2 inch and I did not want that in my finger.  I realized at that moment why chemical pesticides have become so popular, especially with Big Ag.  A person couldn't go through acres and acres of tomatoes doing hand to horn combat with these vicious worms!  I also realized, in that event, how truly wonderful organic farming is.

The timing of our Creator is exquisite.  Early in the season when the hens have their little broods, those little chicks are in and out of the garden eating bugs.  Chickens do enjoy brightly colored fruits and veggies as much as I do though, but once the produce begins to ripen, the chicks have become too big to get through the fence.  With bugs having been consumed through the early part of the season, there aren't many in the garden or orchard, until these green ugly worms show up.  The grasshoppers don't like my natural pesticide, and I learned the other day, although the chickens cannot enjoy access to the garden through tomato season, they will gladly jump on a cankerworm I throw out of the garden.

The life cycle designed by our Creator is truly exquisite.  A reminder to us humans, we been entrusted to maintain it!
And YHWH Elohim took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.  Torah of Holy Scripture 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Organic Heirloom

Organic heirloom is the antithesis of Monsanto, or rather, to get things in proper perspective; Monsanto is the rebellion of organic heirloom.  There is no question as to which came first, Creation or greed . . . Sadly it didn't take long for greed to gain a root system.

There are many social downsides to organic heirloom products, but they are based either on cosmetic issues or convenience.  First, the do take a bit more work regarding research for natural pesticides and manual labor, as in hoeing and weeding, rather than herbicides, so as hours go, organic can be more expensive.  If one is doing this as a business, that mostly accounts for the added expense of organic produce.  If one is doing it for home use and their own family, there is really no reason to not raise organic produce.  If one is going to use commercial herbicides and pesticides, it would seem the purpose is already lost, might as well go to the retailers.

As for heirloom varieties, I really don't have anything against some of the hybrids, other than the seeds from the produce are unpredictable, and now with patents on some hybrids, there may be some regulation regarding the seeds that are produced, so I prefer heirloom.  Heirloom seeds will reproduce themselves after their kind, as stated in Genesis 1:11,12.  Heirloom seeds can be shared.  I did some checking before beginning this new section in the Goshen Gazette, because I wanted to share some seeds with the Executive Administrator.  I made sure there were no laws against sharing seeds.  So far, praise YHWH, there are none!  We've had a great time building our gardens, sharing ideas, and hopefully building a seed network, that is unaffected by GMO, pesticides and herbicides.

And G-d said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.  And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and G-d saw that it was good.  Torah of Holy Scripture

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday, September 8, 2013

They'd Tell Us . . .

If there was something to be concerned about wouldn't the FDA tell us?  Of course they would and do, five to ten years after they approve it!  Whatever the FDA decides to ban for our protection, has already been approved by this same bureaucratic arm of our government.  Rather than offer my obviously biased opinion, I thought I'd share a direct link to another source of this school of thought.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


I was surprised to see the term, abomination, used in reference to Aspartame on a non-religious site.  Wake up folks, everyone is catching on to this horror.

As America concerns itself with chemicals used in Syria on it's own people, we should consider what Aspartame has done to American's health in the last 25 years.  We might also consider, the CEO that secured FDA approval was between two appointments as Secretary of Defense . . .

With Monsanto's free pass from the Supreme Court, the chemical warfare on the American people continues.