Sunday, July 28, 2013

That Didn't Take Long

Just a couple of months ago, some farmers sued Monsanto because their crops were now contaminated with GMO DNA.  The farmers didn't win their law suit, but it was reported to be a win, because Monsanto agreed to not charge for the GMO seeds that were now in farmer's fields.

I don't call that a win.  We have no idea what those GMO hybrids will produce, if anything.  I read one article that indicated they can produce toxins.  So, at any rate, there was some sort of "gentleman's agreement" that Monsanto would not claim ownership of the seeds when cross pollination occurred.

Seems Congress has a better plan . . . Everyone just register all the seeds!

Whoever controls the food will control the people!

Sunday, July 14, 2013


As much as I'd like to just blame Monsanto, and blame government, and blame high costs, and blame, blame, blame, in reading Isaiah, I have to take a bit of responsibility myself.  That's right, just when I thought I had it all figured out . . .

I am familiar with Isaiah 1:18, 19; have known them for years, but, YHWH has a way of revealing a deeper perspective.  Or perhaps it's a higher perspective than my human mind could see before.  At any rate, here are the verses and I'll continue.

Come now, and let us reason together, says YHWH: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.  If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:

The next verse goes on to indicate disobedience is rebellion and the result of rebellion would be being taken in battle, but what I saw in just these two verses gave me pause.  It's so easy to protest something big and out of our power, and it's clear that most anyone can present themselves to be different than they truly are.  The internet makes that pretty easy, but YHWH still sees the heart of the matter and the heart of the people.

While we're blaming Monsanto that GMO food is not "the good of the land," perhaps it's time to take a look at what we can do about it.  I, personally, have realized, last year I was covered in His mercy, but not His blessing.  There's a difference, and I was not in obedience last year, I was in earthly obligation, or so thought.  Now this year, I've been given some rearranging instructions for this fall and next year, and as grateful as I am for His mercy, I want to be obedient.

YHWH is bigger than Corporate Agriculture, so Monsanto only has the final word on our food supply; if we choose to give up this promise, by lazy dependence upon the worldly system and disobedience.

We shall eat the good of the land:  if we are willing and obedient!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Definition of "Natural"

The FDA's definition of natural is painted with a pretty broad brush, as mentioned in previous articles.  So, here's an interesting thought.  Organic gets a pretty loosely defined reference as well, until it comes time to get the seal of approval to be "certified organic."  Then the definition seems to be green, exceedingly green, as in the kind of green that is found in wallets and bank accounts.

I'd like to start a suggestion thread for all the artists who would like to make their voice heard through imagery.  What sort of label can we suggest, since technically, DNA on every level is "natural" and "organic."

Keep in mind, when I come in and wash my hands after chores on this organic homestead, the dirt under my fingernails contains no artificial herbicides or chemical pesticides, therefore; is natural.

Bring your NO GMO labels to our Forum Board.  Here's a composite from my good friend Brandon, and I "helped."  
Everything in this image, from scorpions in the cabbage to corn to dead bees is natural . . .