Sunday, December 29, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Grafting is Not GMO
Scripture makes reference to grafting. Paul includes the reference in his epistle to the Romans, and indicates grafting is not an unusual concept at all. I do not have the greenest of thumbs, so I'm just grateful to see leaves and produce, but I have had grafting explained to me and I've read about it. Basically, a limb or branch is cut at a particularly precise place then a split is made, also at a particularly precise place on the tree in which it is to be grafted.
The sap which flows from the roots is what nourishes that newly grafted branch. From what I've read, that branch will continue to bear the fruit of it's origin and is only nourished by the life flow of the tree into which it's grafted. So various apples could realistically all grow on different branches being fed by the sap flowing from the same roots, if grafted properly. Paul's reference was a wild olive branch onto a cultivated olive tree.
Scripture has more to say about agriculture, and one of the specific DO NOTs is to not cross seeds in the same field. That is completely different than grafting. Crossing pollination results in a grain or produce that is no longer original and the seeds will not reproduce either original plant and often will not produce the modified fruit that has resulted. Cross pollination of species actually changes the genetics of the organism. Not to mention, our modern GMOs actually contain DNA of organisms that are not just a different grain or vegetable, but are bacteria or even animal DNA.
I live in a state in which the politicians keep telling us grafting and GMO are the same, but Scripture indicates otherwise.
The sap which flows from the roots is what nourishes that newly grafted branch. From what I've read, that branch will continue to bear the fruit of it's origin and is only nourished by the life flow of the tree into which it's grafted. So various apples could realistically all grow on different branches being fed by the sap flowing from the same roots, if grafted properly. Paul's reference was a wild olive branch onto a cultivated olive tree.
Scripture has more to say about agriculture, and one of the specific DO NOTs is to not cross seeds in the same field. That is completely different than grafting. Crossing pollination results in a grain or produce that is no longer original and the seeds will not reproduce either original plant and often will not produce the modified fruit that has resulted. Cross pollination of species actually changes the genetics of the organism. Not to mention, our modern GMOs actually contain DNA of organisms that are not just a different grain or vegetable, but are bacteria or even animal DNA.
I live in a state in which the politicians keep telling us grafting and GMO are the same, but Scripture indicates otherwise.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Now is the Time
I have developed a reputation for being anti-Monsanto, and I am, but I'm also pro-Homesteading. I've tried very hard to be more than just words or a sign. Living off the land is my call, it's what I was created to do, and in that, I am blessed to know what I'm eating and what I'm serving.
Whether it's our choice to blame the other political party, the devil in our religion, or Monsanto in our food supply, the real fact of the matter is, The responsibility to change what we don't like, lies in that reflection we see every morning in the mirror!
One of he first sentences we learned in typing class comes to mind. Although it first read "party" rather than country, by the time I had typing class, the word "country" was in place.
The phrase was proposed as a typing drill by a teacher named Charles E. Weller. Incidentally, many typing books now use the variant "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." instead, because it exactly fills out a 70-space line if you put a period at the end.
We can take the responsibility back, but we need to get with it, to do so. Next spring is the last planting season before the year the land is to rest, so "Now is the time . . .!"
Whether it's our choice to blame the other political party, the devil in our religion, or Monsanto in our food supply, the real fact of the matter is, The responsibility to change what we don't like, lies in that reflection we see every morning in the mirror!
One of he first sentences we learned in typing class comes to mind. Although it first read "party" rather than country, by the time I had typing class, the word "country" was in place.
The phrase was proposed as a typing drill by a teacher named Charles E. Weller. Incidentally, many typing books now use the variant "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." instead, because it exactly fills out a 70-space line if you put a period at the end.
We can take the responsibility back, but we need to get with it, to do so. Next spring is the last planting season before the year the land is to rest, so "Now is the time . . .!"
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Gone Nuts?
Hold on there, before adding walnuts to that salad or dessert! The FDA claims oversight is needed regarding the sale and use of walnuts! Scientific evidence supports the claims that walnuts have certain health benefits, therefore the FDA wants to get involved! So will we need a prescription or just new labeling and instructions?
I don't mean to sound sarcastic, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to take some or most of our governmental agencies, seriously! The FDA doesn't think we need to know that fruits and vegetables have been altered with foreign DNA, but walnuts need approval and labeling?
I don't mean to sound sarcastic, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to take some or most of our governmental agencies, seriously! The FDA doesn't think we need to know that fruits and vegetables have been altered with foreign DNA, but walnuts need approval and labeling?
Sunday, December 1, 2013
GMI for GMO?
Genetically modified Insects for Genetically modified crops?
Sunday, November 24, 2013
The EPA and the Supreme Court with the blessing of the FDA bring us the hideous union of horrific pesticides and frankenfood.
Agent Orange and Genetic Engineering.
Agent Orange and Genetic Engineering.
We have no idea how badly we'll miss the bees!
Sunday, November 17, 2013
A Very Special Dinner Guest
What would we do if we were blessed as Abraham was with a visit from El Shaddai? Wheat is GMO. Fatted calves are GMO grain fed or have BGH in their feed. I just read that milk is now tainted with radiation in the water supply.
Every part of the entire meal mentioned in that passage in Genesis 18 has been altered by "the wisdom of man!" What a slap in the face this must be to our Creator, who created us to tend the garden and take care of the animals!

Every part of the entire meal mentioned in that passage in Genesis 18 has been altered by "the wisdom of man!" What a slap in the face this must be to our Creator, who created us to tend the garden and take care of the animals!

Sunday, November 10, 2013
Simple, direct, and to the point. Everything the FDA bans was once approved by the FDA.
As for the health and welfare of the people . . .
Michael R Taylor:
FDA has had a special position created not only by this administration, but also by Bush 41, and before that and between that he's been a part of Monsanto. This man, Michael R. Taylor has personified the revolving door between Big Ag, Big Biz and Government.
As for the health and welfare of the people . . .
Michael R Taylor:
FDA has had a special position created not only by this administration, but also by Bush 41, and before that and between that he's been a part of Monsanto. This man, Michael R. Taylor has personified the revolving door between Big Ag, Big Biz and Government.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Does discounting a Creator's plan sound logical to you? Especially considering the same Creator that created you, created the produce for the diet recommended . . .
As a creationist, that would make me an anti-evolutionist, and I'm outspoken on that topic as well.
I have given my word to present information, and I have been so blatantly anti-GMO, I will present the perspective that I do not share: the pro-GMO side.
As a creationist, that would make me an anti-evolutionist, and I'm outspoken on that topic as well.
I have given my word to present information, and I have been so blatantly anti-GMO, I will present the perspective that I do not share: the pro-GMO side.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Owning the Responsibility
It's so easy for me to be disgusted with Monsanto, Genetic Engineering, and Big Ag in general, but the reality is, these things did not exist until Americans left the farm. And the reason so many left the farm? Just like all these corporations we are so angry with . . . money!
There was money to be made in the Big City! Not to mention the convenience of just buying groceries, rather than working the land. And do you know what happened to the last of the inherited farms? That's right, sold for the MONEY! Now, why do so many enjoy loathing Monsanto and Big Ag when they really don't have any different motive than when the farms were sold? Makin' MONEY!
It's just so much easier to be mad at Big Corporations and Big Ag than it is to be angry with all the individuals who saw their "golden opportunity" and sold to the "Big" in America. Not that I'm defending GMO or Big Pharma or Big Ag, but the reality is, they don't know any of us individually, and they don't claim to love us or care about the next generation.
We can keep on collectively blaming these entities while buying their products, or . . . we can do something about it on an individual basis.
There was money to be made in the Big City! Not to mention the convenience of just buying groceries, rather than working the land. And do you know what happened to the last of the inherited farms? That's right, sold for the MONEY! Now, why do so many enjoy loathing Monsanto and Big Ag when they really don't have any different motive than when the farms were sold? Makin' MONEY!
It's just so much easier to be mad at Big Corporations and Big Ag than it is to be angry with all the individuals who saw their "golden opportunity" and sold to the "Big" in America. Not that I'm defending GMO or Big Pharma or Big Ag, but the reality is, they don't know any of us individually, and they don't claim to love us or care about the next generation.
We can keep on collectively blaming these entities while buying their products, or . . . we can do something about it on an individual basis.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Making Food Unclean
The madness is gaining momentum. We posted a few months back about human DNA being added to rice, and it being termed "nutritionally enhanced" or "nutritionally enriched." Remember back when we were kids and some sibling would ask through dinner, "Do I have to eat my liver?" The answer now is yes, but it's in your rice!
Scripture tells us very clearly what is good for us to eat and what it not. Now, that which G-d called good, is being tainted intentionally! The reasons are varied, but the bottom line reason, is the bottom line . . . the love of money.
This past week, as I've been wading through information about the Health Care Reform Bill, I began to ponder how very controlling this measure is. The saying, I've used for several years now, "Whoever controls the food will control the people," I thought could also apply to health care in the near future. Then as I read articles like this, it becomes very apparent that both our health care and our food supply are enmeshed.
Making our food unclean is to make the populace unhealthy.
Scripture tells us very clearly what is good for us to eat and what it not. Now, that which G-d called good, is being tainted intentionally! The reasons are varied, but the bottom line reason, is the bottom line . . . the love of money.
This past week, as I've been wading through information about the Health Care Reform Bill, I began to ponder how very controlling this measure is. The saying, I've used for several years now, "Whoever controls the food will control the people," I thought could also apply to health care in the near future. Then as I read articles like this, it becomes very apparent that both our health care and our food supply are enmeshed.
Making our food unclean is to make the populace unhealthy.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Revolving Door
Except for the misspelling of Roger Beachy's name, I can't find any errors in this list. As a servant of our Creator, El Shaddai, I have an obligation to point this out . . . as a resident of this country, and specifically the region which hails much of this biotech, I find myself called to stand in the gap to oppose this revolving door between government and tampering with creation.
Monday, October 7, 2013
What G-d Has Called Good
Man can make so much better . . . I do hope you note the tone of sarcasm. Genetic mutilation, as I call it, is being subtly classified with hybridization. These two terms and definitions are vastly different. Breeding two different breeds of of the same species of animals or grafting a tree branch of the same species is hybridization. Altering creation on the genetic level is invasive and changes the integrity and cellular identity of the organism.
Another subject we addressed was Genetic Alterations. It has suddenly come into the spotlight that genetic alterations must be "bad". Really? Who wants to go back to grapes or watermelons full of seeds? How about an ear of corn that's 5 inches long? When I was a kid, Angus and Hereford cattle were about 4 feet tall. Hybridization and genetic alterations have been with us for hundreds if not thousands of years. With our growing worldwide population, we must continue to look for ways to grow better, faster, safer food. No matter how you look at it, we really need to eat!
There are two wonderful examples in Scripture of hybridization, which is not at all genetic alteration. Jacob crossbred the herds in his care for strength and numbers. We know to this day, the purer the pedigree the more inherit some recessive traits become. I know from my own herd, a purebred buck will throw "ringstreaked, speckled, and spotted" with most any doe that is a different breed of goat or a cross.
I have also learned as I strive for my "Jacob's herd" this particular cross bred buck will produce shorter legged babies for easier births, but good milk producing does and meaty bucks. The buck pictured is Jedidiah, Jed for short. He is an Alpine/pygmy cross. His mother was the biggest milk goat on the place and his sire was a stocky short legged buck that, as it turns out, was quite agile in fence jumping . . . as this guy arrived rather unexpectedly.
And he removed that day the he goats that were ringstreaked and spotted, and all the she goats that were speckled and spotted, and every one that had some white in it, and all the brown among the sheep, and gave them into the hand of his sons . . . And Jacob took him rods of green poplar, and of the hazel and chestnut tree; and pilled white streaks in them, and made the white appear which was in the rods. And he set the rods which he had pilled before the flocks in the gutters in the watering troughs when the flocks came to drink, that they should conceive when they came to drink. And the flocks conceived before the rods, and brought forth cattle ringstreaked, speckled, and spotted. Torah of Holy Scripture
Paul referred to the grafted wild olive branch. Hybridization has been around for thousands of years. The only part of genetic alterations that take place in a petri dish in a laboratory that has been around for centuries is the attitude: "we can be as gods."
Another subject we addressed was Genetic Alterations. It has suddenly come into the spotlight that genetic alterations must be "bad". Really? Who wants to go back to grapes or watermelons full of seeds? How about an ear of corn that's 5 inches long? When I was a kid, Angus and Hereford cattle were about 4 feet tall. Hybridization and genetic alterations have been with us for hundreds if not thousands of years. With our growing worldwide population, we must continue to look for ways to grow better, faster, safer food. No matter how you look at it, we really need to eat!
There are two wonderful examples in Scripture of hybridization, which is not at all genetic alteration. Jacob crossbred the herds in his care for strength and numbers. We know to this day, the purer the pedigree the more inherit some recessive traits become. I know from my own herd, a purebred buck will throw "ringstreaked, speckled, and spotted" with most any doe that is a different breed of goat or a cross.
I have also learned as I strive for my "Jacob's herd" this particular cross bred buck will produce shorter legged babies for easier births, but good milk producing does and meaty bucks. The buck pictured is Jedidiah, Jed for short. He is an Alpine/pygmy cross. His mother was the biggest milk goat on the place and his sire was a stocky short legged buck that, as it turns out, was quite agile in fence jumping . . . as this guy arrived rather unexpectedly.
And he removed that day the he goats that were ringstreaked and spotted, and all the she goats that were speckled and spotted, and every one that had some white in it, and all the brown among the sheep, and gave them into the hand of his sons . . . And Jacob took him rods of green poplar, and of the hazel and chestnut tree; and pilled white streaks in them, and made the white appear which was in the rods. And he set the rods which he had pilled before the flocks in the gutters in the watering troughs when the flocks came to drink, that they should conceive when they came to drink. And the flocks conceived before the rods, and brought forth cattle ringstreaked, speckled, and spotted. Torah of Holy Scripture
Paul referred to the grafted wild olive branch. Hybridization has been around for thousands of years. The only part of genetic alterations that take place in a petri dish in a laboratory that has been around for centuries is the attitude: "we can be as gods."
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Practical Organics
The other day I went outdoors and noticed the evidence one of "those worms!" I've heard them called everything from tobacco worms to horned worms and it's what I picture in the 2nd chapter of Joel and the 4th chapter of Jonah. I call this creature a cankerworm! They can truly wipe out a plant in no time, leaving just the bare stalks wilting in their path of destruction. They are green, so they are very difficult to see, but the evidence of their presence is unmistakable.
The other day, my one and only Cherokee purple tomato plant had been invaded by one of these cankerworms. I noticed it before too much damage had occurred, so I rushed to find this horrible creature, only to have this worm, literally become aggressive with me! I went to pick it off the tomato vine and it literally "swung at me." Remember they have a rather sharp horn that protrudes about 1/2 inch and I did not want that in my finger. I realized at that moment why chemical pesticides have become so popular, especially with Big Ag. A person couldn't go through acres and acres of tomatoes doing hand to horn combat with these vicious worms! I also realized, in that event, how truly wonderful organic farming is.
The timing of our Creator is exquisite. Early in the season when the hens have their little broods, those little chicks are in and out of the garden eating bugs. Chickens do enjoy brightly colored fruits and veggies as much as I do though, but once the produce begins to ripen, the chicks have become too big to get through the fence. With bugs having been consumed through the early part of the season, there aren't many in the garden or orchard, until these green ugly worms show up. The grasshoppers don't like my natural pesticide, and I learned the other day, although the chickens cannot enjoy access to the garden through tomato season, they will gladly jump on a cankerworm I throw out of the garden.
The life cycle designed by our Creator is truly exquisite. A reminder to us humans, we been entrusted to maintain it!
And YHWH Elohim took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it
and to keep it. Torah of Holy Scripture
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Organic Heirloom
Organic heirloom is the antithesis of Monsanto, or rather, to get things in proper perspective; Monsanto is the rebellion of organic heirloom. There is no question as to which came first, Creation or greed . . . Sadly it didn't take long for greed to gain a root system.
There are many social downsides to organic heirloom products, but they are based either on cosmetic issues or convenience. First, the do take a bit more work regarding research for natural pesticides and manual labor, as in hoeing and weeding, rather than herbicides, so as hours go, organic can be more expensive. If one is doing this as a business, that mostly accounts for the added expense of organic produce. If one is doing it for home use and their own family, there is really no reason to not raise organic produce. If one is going to use commercial herbicides and pesticides, it would seem the purpose is already lost, might as well go to the retailers.

And G-d said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and G-d saw that it was good. Torah of Holy Scripture
There are many social downsides to organic heirloom products, but they are based either on cosmetic issues or convenience. First, the do take a bit more work regarding research for natural pesticides and manual labor, as in hoeing and weeding, rather than herbicides, so as hours go, organic can be more expensive. If one is doing this as a business, that mostly accounts for the added expense of organic produce. If one is doing it for home use and their own family, there is really no reason to not raise organic produce. If one is going to use commercial herbicides and pesticides, it would seem the purpose is already lost, might as well go to the retailers.
As for heirloom varieties, I really don't have anything against some of the hybrids, other than the seeds from the produce are unpredictable, and now with patents on some hybrids, there may be some regulation regarding the seeds that are produced, so I prefer heirloom. Heirloom seeds will reproduce themselves after their kind, as stated in Genesis 1:11,12. Heirloom seeds can be shared. I did some checking before beginning this new section in the Goshen Gazette, because I wanted to share some seeds with the Executive Administrator. I made sure there were no laws against sharing seeds. So far, praise YHWH, there are none! We've had a great time building our gardens, sharing ideas, and hopefully building a seed network, that is unaffected by GMO, pesticides and herbicides.
And G-d said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and G-d saw that it was good. Torah of Holy Scripture
Sunday, September 15, 2013
So Just Grow Your Own
The following link will provide a very informative list of food labels and what they don't mean.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
They'd Tell Us . . .
If there was something to be concerned about wouldn't the FDA tell us? Of course they would and do, five to ten years after they approve it! Whatever the FDA decides to ban for our protection, has already been approved by this same bureaucratic arm of our government. Rather than offer my obviously biased opinion, I thought I'd share a direct link to another source of this school of thought.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
I was surprised to see the term, abomination, used in reference to Aspartame on a non-religious site. Wake up folks, everyone is catching on to this horror.
As America concerns itself with chemicals used in Syria on it's own people, we should consider what Aspartame has done to American's health in the last 25 years. We might also consider, the CEO that secured FDA approval was between two appointments as Secretary of Defense . . .
With Monsanto's free pass from the Supreme Court, the chemical warfare on the American people continues.
As America concerns itself with chemicals used in Syria on it's own people, we should consider what Aspartame has done to American's health in the last 25 years. We might also consider, the CEO that secured FDA approval was between two appointments as Secretary of Defense . . .
With Monsanto's free pass from the Supreme Court, the chemical warfare on the American people continues.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Do Unto Others
"Do unto others" seems to no longer be associated with, "as you would have them do unto you." It has pretty much turned into more of three word mantra of aggression and authority, at least socially and politically. I did a bit of research and amazingly, every formal religion and most philosophies claim a similar belief to what most Americans recognize as the Golden Rule. But the Golden Rule is being redefined ethically to be "he who has the gold, rules."
Situational ethics abound in our society, primarily by those who would claim to be consistent in their moral decisions and character. Perhaps we are all consistent, consistent in lowering the standard, or sadly expecting and accepting lower . . .
To alter that which a perfect Creator made, is obviously to lower the standard, but then to build an authority that will uphold that deteriorated standard is pure mockery. I'm feeling like we people are once again getting played by something that probably isn't going to change nationally or socially, but simply on an individual basis. Just like every other political hot button topic, from abortion to gay rights, genetically modified food is getting it's turn in the spotlight.
With two formerly prominent attorneys for Monsanto now in authority, I don't actually expect anything different. Interestingly it was the 1980's that saw the first genetically modified plant produced and by 1991 Clarence Thomas was on the Supreme Court and Michael R. Taylor was appointed to a newly created position in the FDA! Genetically modified food is only going away, if individuals choose to raise their own. The powers that be have the authority to "do unto others . . ." "Others" are those of us who are not in authority.
Situational ethics abound in our society, primarily by those who would claim to be consistent in their moral decisions and character. Perhaps we are all consistent, consistent in lowering the standard, or sadly expecting and accepting lower . . .
To alter that which a perfect Creator made, is obviously to lower the standard, but then to build an authority that will uphold that deteriorated standard is pure mockery. I'm feeling like we people are once again getting played by something that probably isn't going to change nationally or socially, but simply on an individual basis. Just like every other political hot button topic, from abortion to gay rights, genetically modified food is getting it's turn in the spotlight.
With two formerly prominent attorneys for Monsanto now in authority, I don't actually expect anything different. Interestingly it was the 1980's that saw the first genetically modified plant produced and by 1991 Clarence Thomas was on the Supreme Court and Michael R. Taylor was appointed to a newly created position in the FDA! Genetically modified food is only going away, if individuals choose to raise their own. The powers that be have the authority to "do unto others . . ." "Others" are those of us who are not in authority.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
It's Not Just Greed, It's Disobedience
Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers seeds: lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast sown, and the fruit of thy vineyard, be defiled. Deuteronomy 22:9.
I'm wondering about this passage as it pertains to the seeds I sow. Not just between the rows, but the seeds themselves.
I'm sure if our Creator doesn't want seeds mixed in the field, He doesn't want them mixed in the laboratory, either!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Genetic Mutilation
Even though this site and article is entitled as an obvious stand against Monsanto, it's not really about being "anti." I'm not an anti-capitalist, or even a rabble rouser. I'm sounding a warning and offering something else to avoid and help others avoid, the rebellion against our Creator.
We can claim victimhood, if we like, protesting all the way to the market. We can make excuses as to why we can't do anything about it, but it sounds a lot like Adam's attempt to blame Eve. He chose to eat that forbidden fruit with full knowledge of rebellion against his Creator. Altering the basic genetic code of creation is in fact exulting ourselves "as gods." We are changing what He called good, and the results are clearly not good! I can't help but compare GMO to the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
When YHWH told me to "stand in the gap on behalf of the land," I had no idea it was coming to this! To be honest, there are days it seems a more daunting task than I can handle, but then immediately, in my spirit I hear II Corinthians 12:9 and Philippians 4:13. So for all those who are realizing the ominous future of our children and grandchildren, take heart. He has not called us to more than we can handle. We do not have to participate, even passively; in the rebellion of genetic mutilation of the creation, our Creator called good.
I've been reading the book of Daniel. Even Babylon didn't ruin the vegetables! Ignorance is no longer an excuse or an option.
We can claim victimhood, if we like, protesting all the way to the market. We can make excuses as to why we can't do anything about it, but it sounds a lot like Adam's attempt to blame Eve. He chose to eat that forbidden fruit with full knowledge of rebellion against his Creator. Altering the basic genetic code of creation is in fact exulting ourselves "as gods." We are changing what He called good, and the results are clearly not good! I can't help but compare GMO to the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
When YHWH told me to "stand in the gap on behalf of the land," I had no idea it was coming to this! To be honest, there are days it seems a more daunting task than I can handle, but then immediately, in my spirit I hear II Corinthians 12:9 and Philippians 4:13. So for all those who are realizing the ominous future of our children and grandchildren, take heart. He has not called us to more than we can handle. We do not have to participate, even passively; in the rebellion of genetic mutilation of the creation, our Creator called good.
I've been reading the book of Daniel. Even Babylon didn't ruin the vegetables! Ignorance is no longer an excuse or an option.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
The Real Power?
We are told in Scripture, the love of money is the root of all evil. I have tried to believe for a time that politicians also loved the power, and perhaps they do, but the basis for power in this country and probably the world, is still MONEY!
Sadly, the Golden Rule has been redefined by our love of money.
"He who has the most gold, makes the rules . . ."
Sadly, the Golden Rule has been redefined by our love of money.
"He who has the most gold, makes the rules . . ."
Sunday, July 28, 2013
That Didn't Take Long
Just a couple of months ago, some farmers sued Monsanto because their crops were now contaminated with GMO DNA. The farmers didn't win their law suit, but it was reported to be a win, because Monsanto agreed to not charge for the GMO seeds that were now in farmer's fields.
I don't call that a win. We have no idea what those GMO hybrids will produce, if anything. I read one article that indicated they can produce toxins. So, at any rate, there was some sort of "gentleman's agreement" that Monsanto would not claim ownership of the seeds when cross pollination occurred.
Seems Congress has a better plan . . . Everyone just register all the seeds!
Whoever controls the food will control the people!
I don't call that a win. We have no idea what those GMO hybrids will produce, if anything. I read one article that indicated they can produce toxins. So, at any rate, there was some sort of "gentleman's agreement" that Monsanto would not claim ownership of the seeds when cross pollination occurred.
Seems Congress has a better plan . . . Everyone just register all the seeds!
Whoever controls the food will control the people!
Sunday, July 14, 2013
As much as I'd like to just blame Monsanto, and blame government, and blame high costs, and blame, blame, blame, in reading Isaiah, I have to take a bit of responsibility myself. That's right, just when I thought I had it all figured out . . .
I am familiar with Isaiah 1:18, 19; have known them for years, but, YHWH has a way of revealing a deeper perspective. Or perhaps it's a higher perspective than my human mind could see before. At any rate, here are the verses and I'll continue.
Come now, and let us reason together, says YHWH: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
The next verse goes on to indicate disobedience is rebellion and the result of rebellion would be being taken in battle, but what I saw in just these two verses gave me pause. It's so easy to protest something big and out of our power, and it's clear that most anyone can present themselves to be different than they truly are. The internet makes that pretty easy, but YHWH still sees the heart of the matter and the heart of the people.
While we're blaming Monsanto that GMO food is not "the good of the land," perhaps it's time to take a look at what we can do about it. I, personally, have realized, last year I was covered in His mercy, but not His blessing. There's a difference, and I was not in obedience last year, I was in earthly obligation, or so thought. Now this year, I've been given some rearranging instructions for this fall and next year, and as grateful as I am for His mercy, I want to be obedient.
YHWH is bigger than Corporate Agriculture, so Monsanto only has the final word on our food supply; if we choose to give up this promise, by lazy dependence upon the worldly system and disobedience.
We shall eat the good of the land: if we are willing and obedient!
I am familiar with Isaiah 1:18, 19; have known them for years, but, YHWH has a way of revealing a deeper perspective. Or perhaps it's a higher perspective than my human mind could see before. At any rate, here are the verses and I'll continue.
Come now, and let us reason together, says YHWH: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
The next verse goes on to indicate disobedience is rebellion and the result of rebellion would be being taken in battle, but what I saw in just these two verses gave me pause. It's so easy to protest something big and out of our power, and it's clear that most anyone can present themselves to be different than they truly are. The internet makes that pretty easy, but YHWH still sees the heart of the matter and the heart of the people.
While we're blaming Monsanto that GMO food is not "the good of the land," perhaps it's time to take a look at what we can do about it. I, personally, have realized, last year I was covered in His mercy, but not His blessing. There's a difference, and I was not in obedience last year, I was in earthly obligation, or so thought. Now this year, I've been given some rearranging instructions for this fall and next year, and as grateful as I am for His mercy, I want to be obedient.
YHWH is bigger than Corporate Agriculture, so Monsanto only has the final word on our food supply; if we choose to give up this promise, by lazy dependence upon the worldly system and disobedience.
We shall eat the good of the land: if we are willing and obedient!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
The Definition of "Natural"
The FDA's definition of natural is painted with a pretty broad brush, as mentioned in previous articles. So, here's an interesting thought. Organic gets a pretty loosely defined reference as well, until it comes time to get the seal of approval to be "certified organic." Then the definition seems to be green, exceedingly green, as in the kind of green that is found in wallets and bank accounts.
Keep in mind, when I come in and wash my hands after chores on this organic homestead, the dirt under my fingernails contains no artificial herbicides or chemical pesticides, therefore; is natural.
I'd like to start a suggestion thread for all the artists who would like to make their voice heard through imagery. What sort of label can we suggest, since technically, DNA on every level is "natural" and "organic."
Keep in mind, when I come in and wash my hands after chores on this organic homestead, the dirt under my fingernails contains no artificial herbicides or chemical pesticides, therefore; is natural.
Bring your NO GMO labels to our Forum Board. Here's a composite from my good friend Brandon, and I "helped."
Everything in this image, from scorpions in the cabbage to corn to dead bees is natural . . .
Everything in this image, from scorpions in the cabbage to corn to dead bees is natural . . .
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Where Was the Coverage?
In news sources, outside of mainstream, it was reported that forty tons of GMO sugar beets in the field were set on fire. Fire, especially in the dry west is a dangerous statement to make. I am disgusted with GMO, not only from a nutrition standpoint, or my disdain of corporate greed, but this fight, to me, is spiritual. This is arrogance against our Creator and that will not go unpunished. I truly do believe genetic engineering of crops will be instrumental in pestilence, plagues, famine and disease of the last days.
Interestingly this same week, in the news the annual World Food Prize was awarded. This "Nobel of Agriculture" Award was presented to the men of Monsanto and one other in biotech engineering. Although, this is a prestigious honor from a world perspective, my observation as a mom, grandma, gardener, and servant of the Creator of the universe, is quite negative. There are too many studies that do indicate much of the GMO produced is not as nutritious as unaltered produce, yet just as caloric. In an overweight country, high calorie content in low nutrition will only perpetuate the obesity problem.
The real studies that are missing are the long term results. GMO is relatively new, as far as history is concerned. GMO crops have only been produced for about the last twenty years, so this growing generation is the first to be raised on GMO food, and so far, the evidence is less than impressive. Now, we still have no idea what will happen in the second and third generations, because the time has simply not yet taken place. The end results are futuristic, but already established.
Even if the high fructose corn syrup does disappear from kid's beverages, there are GMO sugar beets, and those GMO grains are still used in baked products and fed to the commercial meat supply.
There are a few interesting connections between those offering a $10,000 reward for the identity of those who burned the sugar beet field, and the salary providers of biotech engineers.
Interestingly this same week, in the news the annual World Food Prize was awarded. This "Nobel of Agriculture" Award was presented to the men of Monsanto and one other in biotech engineering. Although, this is a prestigious honor from a world perspective, my observation as a mom, grandma, gardener, and servant of the Creator of the universe, is quite negative. There are too many studies that do indicate much of the GMO produced is not as nutritious as unaltered produce, yet just as caloric. In an overweight country, high calorie content in low nutrition will only perpetuate the obesity problem.
The real studies that are missing are the long term results. GMO is relatively new, as far as history is concerned. GMO crops have only been produced for about the last twenty years, so this growing generation is the first to be raised on GMO food, and so far, the evidence is less than impressive. Now, we still have no idea what will happen in the second and third generations, because the time has simply not yet taken place. The end results are futuristic, but already established.
Even if the high fructose corn syrup does disappear from kid's beverages, there are GMO sugar beets, and those GMO grains are still used in baked products and fed to the commercial meat supply.
There are a few interesting connections between those offering a $10,000 reward for the identity of those who burned the sugar beet field, and the salary providers of biotech engineers.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
The Bigger Picture
The case between organic farmers and Monsanto was resolved with basically no resolution. The organic farmers are not allowed to bring a lawsuit against Monsanto to protect them fro seed patents and Monsanto made a promise. I know that will make everyone feel better. The problem, however; doesn't go away with a court resolution. The organic farmers didn't really win anything in the promise. The problem was a concern of seed ownership regarding cross pollination between Monsanto's patented GMOs and the organic crops in nearby fields. Monsanto has promised not to call in patent ownership on the harvested seeds.
That's all well and good, except, the courts decision doesn't resolve the issue of contaminated organic crops. Monsanto says they won't sue for the seeds, but research indicates when GMO cross pollination occurs, the DNA of GMO is dominant, so that will cause next generation issues if the seeds are replanted. We simply do not know enough about the results of GMO, both in farming and in the human body.
This decision completely disregards the real purpose of farming, which is the food supply. This decision protects Monsanto in the case of cross pollination, and with Monsanto's promise to not claim ownership of future seeds, the organic farmer will ultimately lose his natural seeds by the dominance of transgenetic seeds.
That's all well and good, except, the courts decision doesn't resolve the issue of contaminated organic crops. Monsanto says they won't sue for the seeds, but research indicates when GMO cross pollination occurs, the DNA of GMO is dominant, so that will cause next generation issues if the seeds are replanted. We simply do not know enough about the results of GMO, both in farming and in the human body.
This decision completely disregards the real purpose of farming, which is the food supply. This decision protects Monsanto in the case of cross pollination, and with Monsanto's promise to not claim ownership of future seeds, the organic farmer will ultimately lose his natural seeds by the dominance of transgenetic seeds.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Super Bugs?
Just as with everything that is new and improved and saves time . . . there are what is euphemistically termed, "unintended consequences." I can't say whether the consequences are unintentional or simply inconsequential to the powers that be.
Logic tells us, when something is a matter of life or death, survival mode kicks into high gear. Now, let's apply that to our ideas of progress. If something is manufactured to kill and destroy something that grows naturally, the natural vitality of that organism will adapt if at all possible to survive the onslaught or attack of it's very existence. It's not survival of the fittest, as the Darwinians would have you believe, it is the fight to survive. Now add the extra variable that humanity has taken upon itself to operate outside of the order of creation, and we're making some monumental monstrous messes.
A caterpillar that eats cabbage, can be a definite pest, but when the cabbage is changed and poisonous DNA is added, the end results may very well be something that resembles a late night Sci-Fi creature. If the cabbage can survive a DNA change, the groundwork for the caterpillar to adjust is already in place. Our Creator said everything He created was good, just the way He ordered it, so a few caterpillar living on a few cabbage leaves was as it was intended. Add man's Frankenstein ideas and hopefully we'll realize we're creating monsters, before we annihilate the food supply.
Scorpion DNA in cabbage may slow down the caterpillar for a time, but ultimately I don't think it will cause extinction, but rather mutation. We need to remember caterpillars eventually turn into butterflies. I don't even want to imagine a world with mean angry butterflies!
Logic tells us, when something is a matter of life or death, survival mode kicks into high gear. Now, let's apply that to our ideas of progress. If something is manufactured to kill and destroy something that grows naturally, the natural vitality of that organism will adapt if at all possible to survive the onslaught or attack of it's very existence. It's not survival of the fittest, as the Darwinians would have you believe, it is the fight to survive. Now add the extra variable that humanity has taken upon itself to operate outside of the order of creation, and we're making some monumental monstrous messes.
A caterpillar that eats cabbage, can be a definite pest, but when the cabbage is changed and poisonous DNA is added, the end results may very well be something that resembles a late night Sci-Fi creature. If the cabbage can survive a DNA change, the groundwork for the caterpillar to adjust is already in place. Our Creator said everything He created was good, just the way He ordered it, so a few caterpillar living on a few cabbage leaves was as it was intended. Add man's Frankenstein ideas and hopefully we'll realize we're creating monsters, before we annihilate the food supply.
Scorpion DNA in cabbage may slow down the caterpillar for a time, but ultimately I don't think it will cause extinction, but rather mutation. We need to remember caterpillars eventually turn into butterflies. I don't even want to imagine a world with mean angry butterflies!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
I was delighted to be able to share photographs of the turn out for the March Against Monsanto, in last week's edition. I think there might have been even greater participation, had it not been scheduled for a Sabbath. I can say this, there would have been at least one more participant.
I have been moved, however; to establish a doman site and a forums board for all who are interested in sharing ideas, links, questions, and comments with regard to matters and issues to avoid for our health as well as offering healthy ideas.
There are just two things to keep in mind for our forums board.
I know this issue incites anger, but we ask that everyone remember to keep the language appropriate for all aged readers, as we are truly trying to reach the next generation.
We also ask that you include sources and that all links or copied information be credited properly and bear no copyright enfringements.
We are excited about this new addition to the Goshen Gazette and we hope and pray that it serves as resource center for those seeking life the way our Creator designed it!
I have been moved, however; to establish a doman site and a forums board for all who are interested in sharing ideas, links, questions, and comments with regard to matters and issues to avoid for our health as well as offering healthy ideas.
There are just two things to keep in mind for our forums board.
I know this issue incites anger, but we ask that everyone remember to keep the language appropriate for all aged readers, as we are truly trying to reach the next generation.
We also ask that you include sources and that all links or copied information be credited properly and bear no copyright enfringements.
We are excited about this new addition to the Goshen Gazette and we hope and pray that it serves as resource center for those seeking life the way our Creator designed it!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Imagine My Surprise
I was truly shocked to check American mainstream headlines this morning and find nothing about the Monsanto protest, on the front page . . . nothing!

In a search at one mainstream site, the most recent article about Monsanto I could find was over 5 years old . . . Considering the reality I face attempting a back to natural homestead, I am now a firm believer in alternative news sources. It's just a matter of sorting through what's available or becoming one, or both!
I did find some great photos that I am going to post. I think these pictures are truly worth a thousand words . . .
These are just a few photos in American cities, of the many taken around the world.
These photos by Todd DeFeo in Ashville NC

These photos in Vermont by Mark Collier

The next four photos were found at MOM Facebook Page
Salt Lake City

The very best place to stand against GMO is in a garden . . .

In a search at one mainstream site, the most recent article about Monsanto I could find was over 5 years old . . . Considering the reality I face attempting a back to natural homestead, I am now a firm believer in alternative news sources. It's just a matter of sorting through what's available or becoming one, or both!
I did find some great photos that I am going to post. I think these pictures are truly worth a thousand words . . .
These are just a few photos in American cities, of the many taken around the world.
These photos by Todd DeFeo in Ashville NC

These photos in Vermont by Mark Collier

The next four photos were found at MOM Facebook Page
Salt Lake City

The very best place to stand against GMO is in a garden . . .
Monday, May 20, 2013
A Few Helpful Links

Sunday, May 12, 2013
Introducing ~ NONsanto

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